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Vastus Lateralis Injury

about ultrasound and mri findings of vastus lateralis injury


This is the case of a young rugby player presenting an high degree strain of the vastus lateralis muscle at its proximal insertion, togheter with an aponeurotic fascial injury on the subcutaneous lateral side.

I always suggest to perform both the Mri and ultrasound investigations; with the Mri exam it is evident the bone marrow edema, due to the avulsion injury at the intertrochanteric line, suspected during the clinical evaluation but impossible to see on ultrasound exam.

Coronal (left) and Sagittal (right) PD-Fs Mri scans (1.5 Tesla).

Axial PD-Fs Mri scan (1.5 Tesla). The bone marrow edema and the avulsion injury are evident.

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