Dynamic Mri Study of Fingers

It’s not easy to evaluate the hand anatomy after a major trauma; I wanto to share with you  a post-surgical study of dyaphiseal fracture of a finger, suspected for an associated annular pulley injury. It is evident the degeneration picture of both flexors and extensor tendons near the site of fracture. The dynamic Mri with flexion-extension active movements, well depict the real extent of the degnerative changes, without associated annular pulley injuries. I find very useful the correlation between Ultrasound and Mri dynamic study, so I suggest to always perform both imagine modalities.


Sagittal ultrasound scan; it is evident the proximal phalanx fracture.


Sagittal T1w and Coronal Ge-Stir Mri scans after surgical reduction of 4th finger fracture

Dynamic Mri Study of The 4th finger

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