How to Find the Ulnar Nerve at the Elbow

about the correct ultrasound scanning techinchs to find the ulnar erve at the sulcus ulnaris

Have you seen my recent post “Subluxating Ulnar Nerve at the Elbow”? If yes, you may find also interesting how to locate the ulnar nerve at the sulcus ulnaris and the specific ultrasound scans. Use your own elbow to practice or try to ask to a friend or collegue to “share” their anatomy; in other words… Practice is the mother of skills!

In the video below you can find everything needed for your training, so enjoy the video and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me.

Subluxating Ulnar Nerve at the Elbow

about ultrasound findings of post-traumatic ulnar nerve subluxation

This is the case of a direct blow to a flexed elbow. The X-ray and Mri exams show a condylar fracture of the humerus, with a partial cortical bone detachment; a gross joint capsule distension is also evident.

Elbow Mri-xray

Coronal Xbone-T1w Mri scan (0.3 Tesla) and Plain Radiography.

Condylar Fracture

Coronal Stir (left) and T1w (right) Mri scans of the same patient (0.3 Tesla).

Why ultrasound in this case? Because after 1 month the patient feels pain on the posterior-medial aspect of the elbow, especially during the flexion-extension active movement, with distal pain irradiation to the forearm.

The dynamic ultrasound exam better depicts the clinical picture of a post-traumatic ulnar nerve subluxation at the sulcus ulnaris, togheter with a gross joint synovitis.

Ulnar Nerve Inflammation

Axial T2w (left) and Stir (right) Mri scans of the same patient (0.3 Tesla).